Ten Things to Look for in the President's Budget
It's President's Budget week! On Wednesday, President Obama will release his FY 2014 budget, illustrating another possible path in addition to the...
At Halftime, FY 2013 Leads FY 2012 $601 Billion to $779 Billion
CBO's latest Monthly Budget Review (MBR) for March means that we now have budget data for the first six months of FY 2013. The six-month deficit...
Support Grows for Medicare Cost-Sharing Reforms
Over the last week, we’ve highlighted two potential area of common ground on Medicare reform: cost-sharing reforms and raising the Medicare age with a...
What Will Likely Be In The President's Budget
The FY 2014 President's Budget will not be released until next Wednesday, April 10th, but already some details about what will be in the budget have...
Is a Buy-In the Bipartisan Answer to Raising the Medicare Age?
Last week we discussed the potential for bipartisan agreement on Medicare cost-sharing reforms, and today Politico reports on another area of...
Op-Ed: The Tax Code Is A Hopeless, Complex, Economy-Suffocating Mess
Brookings | April 4, 2013 Throughout our population, experts and non-experts alike, the verdict is nearly unanimous. The U.S. tax code is a hopelessly...
Biennial Budgeting Picks Up Steam in Congress
As reported in The Hill over the weekend, a proposed change to the United States’ yearly budgetary process is gaining steam in the Senate. An...
Line Items: Game of Thrones Returns Edition
It’s Back – The long wait finally ended on Sunday as the HBO hit series "Game of Thrones" debuted its third season, gratifying those who have longed...
Poll: Americans Favor Compromise on the Budget
Over the last few weeks, we've seen several different budget proposals emerge from the Senate and the House, and President Obama is expected to...
Medicare Advantage Payment Increase Explained
In a surprising move yesterday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a reversal in their previous plans to cut payments to...
More Ways to Reform the Social Security Disability Insurance Program
The recent NPR segment from Chana Joffe-Walt on the disability insurance program has certainly started a conversation. The Washington Post 's Wonkblog...