The Need for a Deal: Intergenerational Equity
In today's The New York Times, Fix the Debt Steering Committee member Steven Rattner writes on the need for a comprehensive deal to put the debt on a...
Event Recap: The Atlantic Economy Summit
The Atlantic held its 2013 Economy Summit yesterday, featuring more than twenty-four speakers on tax reform, the future of entitlement programs, and...
Spending and Revenue in the Murray Budget
Yesterday, we presented an overview of the Murray budget, describing the policies of the budget and showing savings relative to different baselines...
The Ryan and Murray Plans Side-by-Side
Trying to determine the actual level of savings in budget proposals can be confusing, as there is no single agreed-upon set of baseline assumptions to...
Two Alternative Budgets from the Congressional Black Caucus and Progressive Caucus
Update: This post has been updated to incorporate new numbers for the Congressional Black Caucus budget. Budget season is well underway as the House...
BPC Takes a Detailed Look at the Ryan Budget
The Bipartisan Policy Center has a detailed look at the Ryan budget, comparing it on various budget metrics to the most recent Debt Reduction Task...
MY VIEW: David Walker March 2013
Not all deficit reduction is equal. Our debt problem is primarily driven by population aging, health care cost growth, and an inefficient tax code. It...
Op-Ed: Sequester Isn't Enough
USA Today | March 13, 2013 Just as Republicans and Democrats are poised for the next battle to bring down deficits through their budget proposals, a...
Senator Murray Releases FY 2014 Budget
After seeing Congressman Paul Ryan's (R-WI) budget yesterday, now we know the approach favored by the Senate Democrats. Senate Budget Chair Patty...
Steuerle on Why Retirement Age Increases are Not Regressive
When considering raising the retirement ages for Social Security or the eligibility age for Medicare, some critics usually argue that change would...
Chairman Ryan Releases FY 2014 Budget
Budget season is underway! House Budget Committee Chairman kicked off the budget resolution exchange by releasing his FY 2014 budget " The Path to...