CBPP: Tax Expenditures Are Ripe for the Picking
Tax expenditures have been a hot topic lately as a way to raise additional revenue for a deficit reduction plan that could replace sequestration...
Brookings Rethinks...Disability Insurance
We have been working our way through the “15 Ways to Rethink the Budget” report from the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project. Previously, we...
My VIEW: Bill Frenzel February 2013
We've talked a great deal about how sequestration is bad policy, but that the worst outcome would be to cancel the sequester without offsets. In the...
Op-Ed: A Bad Sequester Is Worlds Better Than No Budget Deal At All
Forbes | February 26, 2013 Barring an unexpected breakthrough agreement between the Democratic Senate and the Republican House, the federal budget...
Brookings Rethinks...Medicare
As promised, the Brookings Institution's Hamilton Project has released the remaining papers in its series " 15 Ways to Rethink the Budget." We will be...
Line Items: Sequester Edition
Sequester Week – It’s all about sequestration this week as the March 1 deadline for the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts looms ( read all about...
Tax Expenditures For Higher Education Rival Spending on Pell Grants
One of the lesser known provisions of the American Taxpayer Relief Act is the extension of the refundable American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)...
Can Our National Leaders Pass the Test?
Most everyone – from President Obama, Speaker Boehner, and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, to renowned economists – agrees that allowing...
Unintended Consequences of the Sequester
There has been a lot of talk about the sequester in recent weeks as the latest in a long line of fiscal stand-offs ensues in Washington. In FY 2013...
Brookings Rethinks and Remakes the Federal Budget
Today, the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution will be kicking off its " 15 Ways to Rethink the Federal Budget" project with an event on two...
FAQ's About the New Framework From Simpson and Bowles
On Tuesday, former Fiscal Commission co-chairs Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson released a framework that calls for an additional $2.4 trillion in...
MY VIEW: Gene Steuerle February 2013
Yesterday, Urban Institute Fellow and CRFB Board Member Gene Steuerle tied the ability of federal and state governments to control health care costs...