Chairman Ryan Releases FY 2014 Budget
Budget season is underway! House Budget Committee Chairman kicked off the budget resolution exchange by releasing his FY 2014 budget " The Path to...
Line Items: Budget Week Edition
Big Week – The budget once again takes center stage this week. House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) released his fiscal year 2014 budget...
Spending and Revenue in the Ryan Budget
Earlier today, Chairman Ryan released his FY 2014 budget, proposing a number of bold changes that would put debt on a downward path as a share of the...
How Much Is the Economy Contributing to Deficits?
Last Friday, the CBO released a report showing how much the business cycle has affected budget deficits since 1960. The report shows the effect that...
Ten Things to Look for in the Upcoming Budgets
As we come closer and closer to the season changing to spring, it's also close to budget season. Both the House and Senate Budget Committee chairs --...
The Sequester is a Bad Substitute for Entitlement Reform
Without action by lawmakers to replace or eliminate them, the sequester cuts now in effect are anticipated to significantly reduce spending over the...
MY VIEW: Laura Tyson March 2013
In an Economix post in The New York Times, former Council of Economic Advisers chair and CRFB board member Laura Tyson argues that the sequester is...
Op-Ed: The Sequester and Fiscal Policy
New York Times | March 8, 2013 The sequester – the large, across-the-board cuts in federal government spending that began to take effect on March 1...
The Urban Institute's $600 Billion Medicare Reform Package
The Urban Institute's Robert Berenson, John Holahan, and Stephen Zuckerman recently released a very useful paper entitled " Can Medicare Be Preserved...
How Much Might the Ryan Budget Have to Change to Reach Balance?
With the new expectation that the House budget resolution will reach balance in 10 years -- more than 15 years earlier than was projected last year --...
Line Items: Snowquester Edition
After the Storm – Winter Storm Saturn moved through the Washington, DC area on Wednesday and was given the nickname "Snowquester" by the inside-the...