Op-Ed: A Fiscal Deal or a Fiscal Crisis?
Politico | April 1, 2013 Now that Congress and the president have agreed to fund the government for the rest of this fiscal year — removing the threat...
RATE Coalition Urges a More Competitive Tax Code
Today, the RATE Coalition sent a letter to the chairs and ranking members of the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees, urging them to...
A "Dynamic" Amendment to the Senate Budget
Among the many amendments that were voted on to the Senate budget resolution, one caught the eye of POLITICO: Sen. Rob Portman's (R-OH) amendment to...
Common Ground on Medicare Reform?
Listening to reports on recent budget negotiations in Washington may lead you to believe compromise between the two parties is near impossible...
The Uncertainty of Long-Term Projections
The Economic Policy Institute's Ethan Pollack has a blog post questioning the accuracy and ultimate usefulness of long-term (75-year) budget...
Line Items: Sweet Sixteen Edition
Bittersweet – The madness is here. The NCAA tournament field has been reduced to 16 teams, and after this weekend there will be only four remaining...
My VIEW: Bill Frenzel March 2013
On Tuesday, President Obama signed the continuing resolution funding the government for the remainder of FY 2013. As we've explained before, the bill...
Op-Ed: Short-Term Congressional Budget Fixes Only Prevent Total Disaster
Forbes | March 28, 2013 In a pleasantly surprising move, the normally moribund Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government for...
Alice Rivlin To Receive 2013 Robert M. Ball Award
CRFB board member and former CBO and OMB director Alice Rivlin is somewhat of a legend in the budget world, with a long line of work spanning from...
An Interesting Analysis of Interest Rates
The Congressional Budget Office has been busy on its blog lately, posting both snapshots of federal programs and also publishing responses to...
Notable Amendments to the Senate-Passed Budget
As the Senate worked on its FY 2014 budget resolution, which passed by a 50-49 vote late last week, hundreds of amendments were filed in a process...
Comparing the Budgets on Spending, Revenue, Deficits, and Debt
Update: This blog has been updated since its original posting to incorporate the House Democratic, Republican Study Commitee, and Senator Rand Paul (R...