How a Cap on Deductions Might Work
Update: Clint Stretch at Capital Gains and Games sketches out possibilities for base broadening in Gov. Romney's plan. This week, Republican...
MY VIEW: Eugene Steuerle October 2012
Eugene Steuerle has a tongue-in-cheek post in his "The Government We Deserve" blog on why Americans should choose him as President after last night's...
Omissions and Clarifications From Our Fact-Checking
We did our best to live fact-check the first presidential debate on Twitter, laying out the facts on fiscal issues. Of course, time constraints and...
Op-Ed: Throwing My Hat in the Ring
The Government We Deserve | October 4, 2012 My fellow Americans. Grave issues face this country. This year is unlike any other year. After listening...
Check Out Our Live Fact-Checking of the First Presidential Debate!
The wait is finally over. Tonight in Denver will be the first of the three presidential debates, and there will be an opportunity to hear directly...
What Works and What Doesn't for Deficit Reduction
The IMF's most recent World Economic Outlook has a very helpful chapter looking at six case studies on countries who have dealt with a high debt...
Event Recap: The Imperative of Entitlement Reform and Health Care Cost Control
In the fourth and final event in the series Strengthening of America, "The Imperative of Entitlement and Health Care Cost Growth," former Members of...
How the Fiscal Cliff Will Affect Taxpayers
UPDATE: Tax Policy Center also has a video in which TPC director Donald Marron walks through their findings. It is no secret that the fiscal cliff...
Taxpayers for Common Sense's $2 Trillion Plan to Avoid the Sequester
Yesterday the group Taxpayers for Common Sense released a report with over $2 trillion in deficit reduction. The report, "Sliding Past the Sequester,"...
Feldstein: Capping Tax Expenditures Is the Way to Raise Revenue
In a Project Syndicate piece, former Chairman of President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisors Martin Feldstein reminds us about another idea to...
Happy Fiscal New Year!
Today, October 1, marks the first day of FY 2013, with FY 2012 now in the history books. Over the past year we have seen some setbacks, like the...
Going Beyond Tax Expenditures
When we talk about tax reform which lowers the rate and broadens the base, the base-broadening portion of the equation usally focuses on tax...