Changes to Income-Based Repayment for Student Loans: "Safety Net or Windfall?"
Our colleagues Jason Delisle and Alex Holt of the New America Foundation's Federal Education Budget Project have released a new paper "Safety Net or...
Fact Checking The Debates: Round III
Tonight at 9 PM on the grounds of Hofstra University is the second presidential debate and the only debate with a town hall format. This will allow...
MY VIEW: Tim Penny October 2012
Former Congressman and CRFB Board Member Tim Penny (D-MN) writes in today's The Hill that even with both parties laying out different plans this...
Op-Ed: Agreeing on the Debt
The Hill | October 16, 2012 In representing the great people of southern Minnesota for 12 years in Congress, I witnessed my share of partisan...
Social Security Adjustments Announced Today
With the release of September inflation numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Social Security Administration also announced its cost-of...
Blahous: "The End of Social Security Self-Financing"
The Mercatus Center has released a new paper by Social Security Trustee Charles Blahous entitled "The End of Social Security Self-Financing." In the...
Expanding on Our Live Fact-Checking
After live fact-checking the vice presidential debate on Twitter, we will take some time to go back and expand on some of our fact-checking and...
New CRFB Paper Shows Tax Reform Can Reduce Rates and Deficits
Today, CRFB released a paper on individual income tax reform, showing how comprehensive reforms could lower both deficits and tax rates. The paper...
JCT Report Does Not Conflict With Rate-Reducing Tax Reform
Today, a report from the Joint Committee on Taxation was released that some claim to show the near-impossibility of deficit-reducing, rate-reducing...
AIG Drives TARP Estimate Lower
The CBO has released its newest estimate of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), showing that it would cost taxpayers a total of $24 billion...
Fact Checking the Debates: Round 2
Vice President Joe Biden and Representive Paul Ryan (R-WI) will take the stage in Kentucky tonight at 9:00 PM E.T. in the Vice Presidential Debate. In...