MY VIEW: Jim Jones
Former Oklahoma 1st District Congressman and CRFB Board Member Jim Jones penned an op-ed in today's Tulsa World calling for policymakers to put...
Op-Ed: Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff: Nothing is Sacrosanct
Tulsa World | November 8, 2012 For almost a decade and a half, I was honored to serve the great people of northeastern Oklahoma in Congress. Today, a...
Op-Ed: Make a Deficit Deal Now
Washington Post | November 8, 2012 The American people spoke on Tuesday, and they voted for a continuation of divided government. With President Obama...
Fitch Reminds Us What Lawmakers Must Do
While last night election is still many people's mind, the rating agency Fitch reminds us of the tremendous stakes of these next couple of months. In...
What's On Congress's Plate
First off, CRFB would like to congratulate President Obama and all of those who were elected and re-elected to the Senate and the House. CRFB is...
Comparing Medicare and Social Security Benefits and Taxes
The Urban Institute's Eugene Steuerle and Caleb Quakenbush have updated their estimates calculating lifetime Social Security and Medicare benefits and...
Line Items: Election Edition
Decision Time – Election Day is tomorrow and the stakes are high. Not only is control of the White House and Congress at stake, but the election will...
Paying for Supplemental Bill Should Be Easy
The Hill reports that some lawmakers are supporting a supplemental bill to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA)...
Why We Need to "Go Big"
Richard Kogan at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities has released a new report that argues that it may be a better goal for an upcoming budget...
David Wessel Explains the Fiscal Cliff (On a Cliff)
David Wessel, economics editor for The Wall Street Journal, has produced a fiscal cliff primer video. Wessel covers everything from why the cliff...
Fiscal Transparency in the U.S. and Abroad
Yesterday in a blog post, IMF's Fiscal Affairs Director Carlo Cottarelli stressed the need for fiscal transparency on the part of governments around...
Wonkblog Rolls Out Individual Tax Reform Calculator
Over at Wonkblog, Dylan Matthews and Ezra Klein have worked with analysts at Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute for Taxation and Economic...