A Healthy Debate on the Medicare Age
A column in The Wall Street Journal today asks "Should the Eligibility Age for Medicare Be Raised?" Taking the " yes" side is CRFB president Maya...
MY VIEW: Maya MacGuineas September 2012
CRFB President Maya MacGuineas writes in today's The Hill that as Congress returns home for another recess, there is plenty of evidence that...
Op-Ed: "Congress Leaving on a Debt Plane"
The Hill | September 18, 2012 Members of Congress will return home for yet another recess in the next few days, leaving behind nothing but a swirl of...
Op-Ed: "How to Cut the US Deficit by Fixing Tax"
The Financial Times | September 17, 2012 One of the few issues on which Barack Obama and Mitt Romney agree is the need for tax reform. Since the last...
The Concord Coalition and Next 10 Release Budget Simulator
Today, the Concord Coalition and Next 10 released a new budget simulator that allows participants to choose for themselves how to reduce our...
Event Recap: "National Security Implications of America's Debt and Bipartisan Plans to Address the Solution"
The second of four Strengthening of America—Our Children's Future forums was held today on national security and the national debt. The event featured...
MY VIEW: Judd Gregg September 2012
Former Senator and CRFB board member Judd Gregg (R-NH) writes in today's The Hill that former President Bill Clinton's call for bipartisanship may be...
Fiscal Commission Co-Chairs Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson on Meet The Press
CRFB Board Members, Fix the Debt Campaign Co-Founders and Fiscal Commission Co-Chairs Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson recently appeared on Meet The...
The Sequester Report Is Out
The legally required report on what programs the automatic sequester would apply to and how large the cuts would be, as stipulated in last month's...
Where the Axe Will Fall: A Detailed Look at the Sequester
This afternoon, the OMB released its legally required report on the $1.2 trillion sequester, detailing how and where the cuts would fall on the...
Farm Bill Stalled in Congress
Yesterday, a group of farmers and farm state lawmakers gathered in Washington to rally for the passage of a farm bill, on which progress has stalled...