Social Security
Watch 160 Years of Population Aging...In One Chart
Over at Calculated Risk, Bill McBride has created an animated chart showing America's age distribution evolve, as far back as 1900 to the current day...
Ways and Means Committee Continues Work on Entitlement Reform
While everyone is focused on tax reform developments these days, we cannot forget about the need for entitlement reform. In an attempt to devise a...
Comprehensive Deficit Reduction Need Not Slash Retirement Benefits to Control Spending
A recent report from Scott Lilly at CAP makes the case that policymakers have only two real choices to respond to the future growth in debt levels...
Raising Retirement Age Would Promote Working Longer
The 2008 recession substantially altered the enrollment and operations of many government programs, particularly those providing financial benefits...
WaPo to Obama: Don't Ignore Entitlements
Last week at Knox College, President Obama gave the first of a series of speeches on the economy. He called on Washington to pass policies that would...
Fact or Fiction: Is Social Security Regressive?
Is Social Security a distributionally regressive system overall? Some people may have this conception due to a few features of the program: higher...
MY VIEW: Marc Goldwein July 2013
Should Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) be trimmed? In a recently released CQ Researcher Report focusing on government spending...
Boskin Underscores the Need for DI Reform
With all of the new developments in tax reform it may be easy to forget about entitlements. But Michael Boskin, former chairman of the Council of...
New Estimates of Immigration Reform: What They Say
Both the Social Security Chief Actuary and the CBO have already weighed in on the Senate's immigration reform bill, showing that it would give a short...
The Social Security and Medicare Trustee Reports in Charts
The projections in the latest Medicare and Social Security Board of Trustees Report were further proof of the need to reform these important...
CATO Event: "Disability Insurance: The New Welfare?"
Yesterday, the CATO Institute hosted a panel discussion featuring CATO Senior Fellow Jagadeesh Gokhale, MIT economics professor David Autor...
NYT Gets It Wrong on Social Security (Again)
This weekend, The New York Times (NYT) editorial board laid out an argument for why they believe Social Security’s long-term gap is relatively...