Social Security
More Ways to Reform the Social Security Disability Insurance Program
The recent NPR segment from Chana Joffe-Walt on the disability insurance program has certainly started a conversation. The Washington Post 's Wonkblog...
Alice Rivlin To Receive 2013 Robert M. Ball Award
CRFB board member and former CBO and OMB director Alice Rivlin is somewhat of a legend in the budget world, with a long line of work spanning from...
NPR Takes a Look at Disability Insurance
In a recent story called “Unfit for Work: The Startling Rise of Disability in America,” Chana Joffe-Walt of NPR's Planet Money takes an in-depth look...
Durbin Voices His Support for Entitlement Reform
In a Wall Street Journal breakfast yesterday, Senate Majority Whip and former Fiscal Commission member Dick Durbin (D-IL) reiterated his support for...
Steuerle on Why Retirement Age Increases are Not Regressive
When considering raising the retirement ages for Social Security or the eligibility age for Medicare, some critics usually argue that change would...
Brookings Rethinks...Disability Insurance
We have been working our way through the “15 Ways to Rethink the Budget” report from the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project. Previously, we...
Why We Can't Wait to Act on the Debt
Last week, Paul Krugman took issue with Tom Friedman's comparison between climate change and the debt situation, but unfortunately missed the mark...
A Few Proposals For Reforming Entitlement Programs
A recent report from the Business Roundtable (BRT) outlines their proposal to reform Social Security and Medicare with the goal of maintaining an...
Robert Greenstein Answers Critics on Chained CPI
The chained CPI has been receiving much attention lately after being included in the latest offers from both the GOP and White House. Some critics of...
The Chained CPI Explained
One option on the table that has great potential to be included in a final deal is the chained CPI. As we explain in our updated paper on the chained...
Think Tanks Bring Ideas to the Table
Just as President Obama and the Republican leadership are trading offers, three think tanks--the Heritage Foundation, the Center for American Progress...
Switching to the Chained CPI Is a Good Idea
Yesterday, the AARP published a report and sent an accompanying letter to members of Congress and President Obama in opposition to switching to the...