Social Security
Sahadi Warns of Disability Insurance Insolvency
We've written many times on the need to reform Social Security well before it becomes insolvent in the 2030s. But as Jeanne Sahadi explains in a...
Senators Begich and Murray Propose Social Security Benefit Enhancements
Last week, Senator Mark Begich (D-AK) and Senate Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced legislation that would make targeted increases...
Delaney and Cole Propose Social Security Commission
Reps. John Delaney (D-MD) and Tom Cole (R-OK) introduced the Social Security Commission Act of 2014 today.
Rubio Proposes Retirement Program Reforms
As the Senate works this week to increase the debt, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) outlined a series of reforms to Social Security, Medicare, and retirement...
Social Security's Worsening Financial Picture Since 2011
We have already shown how both federal health care spending and revenue projections have been revised downward by $900 billion and $4.2 trillion...
CBO's Social Security Projections
In CBO's 2014 Budget and Economic Outlook released this week, they addressed the future of the federal government's largest program, Social Security...
Explaining the "Double-Dipping" Provision
As the Senate looks for offsets for an unemployment insurance extension, there is one provision that has gotten some attention: ending "double-dipping...
Getting the Facts Right on Social Security
Note: This piece was originally posted on the Angry Bear blog. The late Senator Moynihan once said that “everyone is entitled to his own opinions but...
Social Security Trustee Warns About Expansion Proposals
Late in 2013, a debate about Social Security erupted centering around calls from some progressives to broadly increase Social Security benefits at a...
Setting the Record Straight on Social Security
Recently, many policymakers and commentators have called for expanding Social Security benefits rather than slowing the program’s costs, suggesting...
CBO 95 Percent Confident Social Security Trust Fund Runs Out in 25 Years
CBO's Long-Term Budget Outlook contains significant amounts of helpful data on Social Security. However, a lot of the data focus on just the outlays...
Social Security Should Be Part of the Conversation
All eyes are on the budget conference committee, which has a myriad of options available to consider as it negotiates this year's budget resolution...