Budget Projections
A "Dynamic" Amendment to the Senate Budget
Among the many amendments that were voted on to the Senate budget resolution, one caught the eye of POLITICO: Sen. Rob Portman's (R-OH) amendment to...
The Uncertainty of Long-Term Projections
The Economic Policy Institute's Ethan Pollack has a blog post questioning the accuracy and ultimate usefulness of long-term (75-year) budget...
An Interesting Analysis of Interest Rates
The Congressional Budget Office has been busy on its blog lately, posting both snapshots of federal programs and also publishing responses to...
How Much Might the Ryan Budget Have to Change to Reach Balance?
With the new expectation that the House budget resolution will reach balance in 10 years -- more than 15 years earlier than was projected last year --...
The New Target: At Least $2.4 Trillion of Additional Deficit Reduction
President Obama was recently quoted in the Washington Post as saying that an additional $1.5 trillion of deficit reduction would hit the $4 trillion...
The CRFB Realistic Projections
Analyses of the CBO budget baseline generally focus on the current law baseline, the one that CBO presents in most detail. In the past, we constructed...
What's Changed Since August?
In CBO’s latest Budget and Economic Outlook, much has changed since their August baseline. As we explain in our report on the February baseline, the...
CRFB Releases Analysis of CBO's February Baseline
CBO's release of its annual Budget and Economic Outlook is a treasure trove of information, sometimes not easily digestible. To help put all that...
It's Showtime: CBO's New Budget and Economic Projections
For 49ers and Ravens fans, the Super Bowl was the big game of the 2012 NFL season. For budget wonks, today is that day, as CBO has released its budget...
Doing More Than Just Hitting the Target
Our blog yesterday noted that the debate over stimulus versus deficit reduction is much more nuanced than is often portrayed. Although these positions...
MY VIEW: Rudy Penner February 2013
In a Tax Policy Center blog, Urban Institute fellow and former CBO director Rudy Penner makes the case for going beyond the amount of deficit...
Economists in Favor of Smart Deficit Reduction
A recent op-ed from Joe Scarborough in Politico has brought back attention to the stimulus vs. deficit reduction debate. Some commentators like Paul...