Budget Projections
How Far We Have to Go on Deficit Reduction
In the past few weeks, we have made the case for putting debt on a downward path as a percent of GDP as a goal for the next round of deficit reduction...
Peterson Foundation Analyzes the Fiscal Cliff Deal
The Peter G. Peterson Foundation has released a new report on the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) and its effect on the long-term outlook...
Hindsight is 20/20: A Look Back at CBO's Economic Forecasting
Our recent blog " Putting the Debt on a Downward Path" emphasizes how changes in economic projections can affect the budget for better or for worse...
Putting the Debt on a Downward Path
Yesterday, President Obama suggested we need about $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction on top of what has been enacted so far, a claim which matches a...
The Post-Deal Long Term Outlook
So far, we have analyzed the fiscal cliff deal by looking at the good, the bad, and the ugly in the package, showing what the deal does to the budget...
How Does the Budget Look Now?
After a tense few days, or weeks for that matter, lawmakers have enacted a fiscal cliff package -- the American Taxpayer Relief Act. With budget...
GAO Releases Its Long Term Fiscal Outlook
The Government Accountability Office has updated its long-term budget outlook, showing once again that our budget deficit needs to seriously be...
CBO Quantifies the Fiscal Cliff and the Challenge Ahead
CBO has released two new reports that detail our short run problem of the fiscal cliff and the long term challenge of reducing the debt. Reading the...
The Final Tally for 2012: $1.09 Trillion Deficit
CBO's final Monthly Budget Review for FY 2012 came out today, showing the (preliminary) final estimate for the deficit that year: $1.09 trillion, or 7...
The Concord Coalition and Next 10 Release Budget Simulator
Today, the Concord Coalition and Next 10 released a new budget simulator that allows participants to choose for themselves how to reduce our...
CRFB's Newest Realistic Baseline
With the release of CBO's updated budget and economic outlook, we at CRFB have the opportunity to update our Realistic baseline. Recall that our...
What Else is New? Changes in CBO's Baseline
Naturally, when a new budget projection is released, as CBO's updated baseline was yesterday, a good question to ask is: what happened? It is...