The President's Budget's Terminations, Reductions, and Savings
Every year, the President’s budget proposal includes a list of potential discretionary program cuts. These programs are those identified by the...
Spending May Diminish, but Time Definitely Is Shrinking
After four marathon sessions and hundreds of amendments the House of Representatives approved of legislation, H.R. 1, which will cut spending in the...
What Will the Budget Look like in 2021?
In our continued analysis of the President’s budget, we now move to a detailed examination of what the budget, if enacted entirely and without future...
Debt Hits Post-WWII Levels
In a recent article, the Washington Post reported that federal, local, and state debt levels -- including the intergovernmental debt the government...
‘Line’ Items: Presidents Day Edition
Day of Leaders – Today we celebrate great American leaders with mattress sales and a day off (for some) from work. Congress left town for the whole...
Fiscal Commission Co-Chairs Express Hope
In an op-ed today on the Washington Post website, Erskine Bowles and Sen. Alan Simpson, co-chairs of the President’s National Commission on Fiscal...
Going to China, Before China Comes to Us
In a thoughtful Washington Post op-ed this morning, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) calls for leadership and shared sacrifice on the issue of deficit reduction...
MarketWatch: February 14-17, 2011
Markets so far this week have reacted to mixed news on the growth front in the US plus new concerns on inflation. As things start to wind up for the...
Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson Op-Ed
Today, Erskine Bowles and Sen. Alan Simpson, the co-chairs of the President’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, published an op...
Happy Second Birthday ARRA!
While the budget world is caught up in the President's budget, it's time to celebrate an important birthday. On this day two years ago, President...
Jon Stewart Balances the Budget
Last night on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart spent part of the episode talking about our favorite topic: how to fix the federal budget. Needless to say...
What Happens if the Budget's Assumptions Aren't So Rosy?
Three days after the release of the President's budget, our blog series continues to provide new analysis. In our detailed analysis of the President’s...