Spotlight on the States: New York
This week, our Spotlight on the States series takes us to New York. New York faces an estimated budget deficit of $10 billion. Due to slower-than...
‘Line’ Items: Play On Edition
Budget Season Ramping Up – Football season may have ended last night, but budget season is just heating up. Lawmakers have introduced a plethora of...
Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson on CNBC
This morning the two co-chairs of the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform were guests on CNBC's The Call. Erskine...
House and Senate to Have Serious Debate Over Spending
With the House Appropriations Committee releasing their spending allocations for each subcommittee yesterday, it is useful to examine what the Senate...
MarketWatch: January 31 - February 4, 2011
Markets in the U.S. and elsewhere have focused on signs that the U.S. economy continues to recover, although still at a very gradual pace. January’s...
Balanced Budget Amendment Debate Gets Serious
The debate over a Constitutional balanced-budget amendment has been going on in Washington for quite some time. However, the current fiscal...
Bernanke Discusses Fiscal Policy at National Press Club
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered a speech today at the National Press Club that once again called attention to our growing deficits and...
Paul Ryan Sets Spending Levels for FY 2011
Earlier today, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the chair of the House Budget Committee, unveiled new levels for discretionary spending for the remainder of FY...
The Liberal Case for Deficit Reduction
Today on Ezra Klein's blog, Derek Thompson (who contributes to a great blog over at The Atlantic) makes the liberal case for deficit reduction. He...
It's Baaaaaaaaaaack: Simpson-Bowles Is Reappearing
It's an interesting time in the fiscal policy world right now. A lot of uncertainty is up in the air about what will happen with our deficits and debt...
Pentagon Must Improve Accountability, Demands Coburn
On Monday, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) sent a letter to the Chief of Naval Operations calling for the Pentagon to get its finances in order in the face...
Senate Budget Committee Holds Hearing on Tax Reform
The Senate Budget Committee held a hearing on tax reform this morning, featuring testimony from four witnesses who all unequivocally called for...