Budget Committee Hearing Echoes Need for Fiscal Plan
Today the Senate Budget Committee, led by chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) and ranking member Jeff Sessions (R-AL), held a hearing on The Budget and...
Senators McCaskill and Corker Introduce Spending Cap Bill
Another bipartisan group of Senators is introducing legislation to promote fiscal reform. Recently we saw Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Johnny...
2010 SAVE Award Goes to Trudy Givens
CRFB would like to congratulate Trudy Givens of Portage, Wisconsin - the 2010 SAVE Award winner! The SAVE Awards are given annually to a federal...
Sens. Isakson and Shaheen Renew Call for Biennial Budgeting
Late last week, Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced legislation to revamp our budgeting process from an annual to a...
‘Line’ Items: Super Bowl Edition
Game On – The Super Bowl in Texas won’t be until Sunday, but Washington had its own big game last week as President Obama gave his State of the Union...
CBO Projects Social Security to Be Forever in the Red
In yesterday's Budget and Economic Outlook, CBO shows that Social Security will run deficits each year over the coming decade, depleting $547 billion...
Japan's Credit Rating Cut by Standard & Poor's
In what is sure to be a wake-up call for the Japanese government, Standard & Poor’s cut Japan’s credit rating today for the first time in nine years...
Sen. Conrad Calls for Immediate Action on Long-Term Fiscal Plan
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND), chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, is calling for swift and decisive action to address our worsening fiscal problems...
Sen. Rand Paul Proposes $500B in Annual Spending Cuts
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) released his plan for cutting federal spending earlier this week in the latest in a wave of Republican spending cut proposals...
Spotlight on the States: Illinois
Continuing our "Spotlight on the States" series, which takes a look at state-level fiscal issues around the country, the Bottom Line turns to the...
CBO Releases January 2011 Ten-Year Outlook
CBO today released its new budget and economic update, showing higher ten-year deficit and debt projections from 2012 to 2021 than they predicted back...
CRFB Analysis of CBO’s January 2011 Baseline
CBO now projects the 2011 deficit to reach a record-breaking $1.5 trillion, and increased its deficit projections over the 2011-2020 period by $1.4...