Marc Goldwein: Fix The Deficit? We Can Do That
This article was originally published by TIME Magazine. It's rare that those of us concerned about the nation's fiscal course come bearing good news...
"Meet the Generations" : Gen-Web
Meet Keisha, the 6-year-old fictional member of the Gen-Web generation “profiled” in our "Meet the Generations" series, based on CRFB's "America's...
23 Senate Republicans Urge Obama to Address Deficit
Yesterday, a group of 23 Republican Senators sent a letter to President Obama stating that any further increases in the debt limit should be...
MarketWatch: March 14-17, 2011
U.S. Interest Rates: What is "Normal"? Throughout the week, worried investors once again turned to U.S. Treasury instruments as safe haven investments...
Rep. Schakowsky Introduces Legislation to Raise Taxes on Millionaires and Billionaires
Yesterday Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) introduced a proposal to raise federal taxes for very high-earners - The Fairness in Taxation Act. The proposed...
"Meet the Generations" : The Millennials
Meet Nick, a 24 year old Millennial. In the first installment of our "Meet the Generations" series, we take a look at how the life of Nick (a...
Ask CRFB Co-Chair Bill Frenzel Your Budget Questions in Today's Live Chat
Update: Adam Looney of The Hamilton Project participated in today's chat in place of Bill Frenzel - still a very interesting read, check it out below...
America's Fiscal Choices At a Crossroad
CRFB's policy paper America's Fiscal Choices at a Crossroad looks at the human side of the fiscal crisis. It examines the two choices we face in...
Budget Process Reform Gets Attention on Capitol Hill
Everyone can recognize that the budget process is broken, but unfortunately not much has been done so far to fix it. Work such as the Peterson-Pew...