Senate Hearing on Budget Process Reform
The Senate Budget Committee is holding a hearing on budget process reform called "Improving the Budget Process: Strategies for More Effective...
A Look at Medigap Reforms
The Washington Post had an editorial yesterday supporting efforts to restrict first-dollar coverage for Medigap. Medigap is a form of private...
MY VIEW: Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson October 2011
Sunday's Washington Post featured an op-ed written by Fiscal Commission and Moment of Truth project co-chairs (and CRFB board members!) Erskine Bowles...
‘Line’ Items: New Fiscal Year Edition
New Year, Old Story – Saturday was the first day of Fiscal Year 2012. CRFB rang out the old fiscal year with a look back at the relevant numbers, and...
Waving Goodbye to FY 2011
With the end of September comes the end of the fiscal year, so it's time to look back on the year that was. We've had a whirlwind year of exciting...
155 Business Groups Want Super Committee to Go Big
Today, a collection of 155 business organizations representing a wide variety of interests joined the "Go Big" call. In doing so, they have joined 38...
Houses Passes CR, But Unresolved Issues Remain
In what was basically a formality, this morning the House of Representatives approved a super short-term continuing resolution (CR) to keep the...
Lieberman and Coburn Urge Super Committee to Take Up Medicare
The submissions keep on coming. Now, Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) have sent a letter to the Super Committee, pressing them to...
Tax Cuts Mostly Explain Low Revenue
The usual story about the recent historical low in revenue we have seen over the past three years is due to the recession. After all, revenue was at...