JP Morgan on the Financial Perspective of Fiscal Policy
In a recent report, JP Morgan summed up a number of reasons, from a financial perspective, on why it is important for the Joint Select Committee on...
More Plans, More Ideas
CRFB has updated its table of submissions to the Super Committee with four new plans from September. The first plan is from the Center for American...
Two Letters to the Super Committee on Defense and Medicare
Two more submissions have recently been made to the Super Committee, adding to what is becoming an interesting list of ideas for them to draw...
Congress Talks Budget Process Reform
Congress is getting serious about considering reforms to the dysfunctional budget process. Last month the House Budget Committee held two hearings on...
Senators Sessions and Snowe Get Specific on Budget Process Reform
Budget process reform is back in vogue. Coming on the heels of yesterday’s hearings about budget process in both the House and Senate, Senators Jeff...
The Cyclical Economic Effects on the Deficit
In a letter to Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf estimates the cyclical...
Appendix: Overlapping Policies and Estimated Savings Across Fiscal Plans
Updated on 10/4/11 to reflect President's submission to the Super Committee in place of April deficit-reduction framework.
CED Calls on Super Committee to Exceed Its Mandate
Earlier today, the Committee for Economic Development (CED) released a set of six standards that they believe the Super Committee must follow in order...
CRFB President Talks Super Committee on Nightly Business Report
CRFB president Maya MacGuineas was a guest last night on PBS' Nightly Business Report, where she commented on the Super Committee and the need for...