Let's Go Big
In case you missed it yesterday afternoon, CRFB put out its expectations for the Super Committee, urging them to Go Big! Given the severity of our...
Op-Ed: Supercommittee Needs to Go Bigger
The Hill | September 7, 2011 With the president’s highly touted jobs speech this week, national attention is about to pivot from deficits and debt —...
Recent Proposals for Job Growth
Leading up to President Obama’s job speech tomorrow evening, there has been much speculation as to the measures the president will propose. The...
The Updated CRFB Long-Term Realistic Baseline
Update: CRFB's newest policy paper, What We Hope to See from the Super Committee, shows CRFB Realistic projections for spending by category and...
Business Roundtable Deficit Forum Today
Starting in just a few minutes, Business Roundtable (BRT) will host a forum on the deficit -- “Meeting the Challenges of Economic Growth and Deficit...
‘Line’ Items: Back to Work Edition
Back to Work – Labor Day is behind us, but a lot of work lies ahead. Congress returns from its August recess this week with jobs on the top of the...
Differing Economic Assumptions Between OMB and CBO
Back in February, we dinged the President's budget for relying on overly optimistic economic assumptions in 2012 and beyond. CBO's Analysis of the...
Spending and Revenues in the Mid-Session Review
Under the Administration's Mid-Session Review, the gap between spending and revenues is set to persist throughout the decade with barely any change in...