OMB Releases Mid-Session Review
OMB has just released its Mid-Session Review, incorporating the effects of the Budget Control Act and the Super Committee's target savings into its...
Wartime Contracting Commission Finds Significant Waste in War Spending
The Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, created by Congress in 2008, has issued its final report, showing that there has been...
Huntsman to Propose Revenue-Neutral Tax Reform
It's no secret that taxes will be a central element in national politics over the next fourteen months leading up to the Presidential election. With...
Let's Pay for Disaster Funding, but Also Budget For It
The destruction and devastation caused by Hurricane Irene is of serious concern, and addressing it will come at a real cost. Yet even while both...
Mark Prater Appointed Staff Director of Super Committee
In a joint press release this morning, Super Committee co-chairs Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) announced that Mark Prater...
Warner Wants the Committee to Go Above and Beyond
In a Bloomberg article, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) called for the Joint Committee set up by the recent debt deal to exceed its $1.5 trillion target for...
‘Line’ Items: Mother Nature Edition
Quakes and ‘Canes – Washington and much of the East Coast were rattled by natural phenomena last week, with a 5.9-magnitude earthquake on Tuesday and...
CBO's Newest Economic Projections
In CBO's latest Budget and Economic Outlook, CBO includes revised projections of various economic indicators as part of its update. Since there is...
CBO Update on the Economic Effects of ARRA
Yesterday, CBO released an update on the effects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) on employment and economic output in the...
CBO's Projections Make the Case for Comprehensive Fiscal Plan
Although CBO shows debt improving significantly over the coming decade, reaching 61 percent of GDP in 2021, debt will not follow this downward path...
CBO Releases New Budget and Economic Projections
CBO has just released its August Budget and Economic Outlook. You can find it here. Under current law, assuming policymakers make no changes to what's...