Options for Limiting Tax Expenditures
Update: Howard Gleckman of Tax Policy Center has blogged on their paper over at TaxVox. With the chaos of the debt ceiling now over, it's time to take...
Congress Approves Debt Ceiling Deal
Update: President Obama has signed the deal into law. Washington took the debt limit to the edge as the Senate voted today, 74-26, to enact the...
Erskine Bowles, Alan Simpson, and Maya MacGuineas: Who Won and Lost in the Debt Deal?
In today's Washington Post, several contributors offered their thoughts on the recent debt deal reached by leaders in Washington to raise the debt...
MY VIEW: Maya MacGuineas August 2 2011
In her latest CNN commentary, CRFB president Maya MacGuineas stresses that Washington must do better than the debt deal recently approved by Congress...
Op-Ed: Debt Deal--We Can, and Must, Do Better
CNN | August 2, 2011 Picture a negotiation with your boss that goes something like this: You walk in with dynamite strapped to your body and demand a...
Op-Ed: Who Won and Lost in the Debt Deal?
The Washington Post | August 2, 2011 Well, at least we didn’t default. That’s probably the best thing to say about the proposed debt deal. But the...
Agreement on Debt Limit Increase
We have a deal (pending votes, of course). ( UPDATE: CRFB has a press release on this deal here) Last night, the leaders from both parties announced a...
‘Line’ Items: Deadlines, Deadlock and Deals Edition
Breakthrough? – There were tough negotiations. Deals were made. Big names were moved. It wasn’t just the MLB and NFL that saw frenetic action ahead of...
CBO Scores the Reid and Boehner Plans
Update: CBO has just released its own comparison table of the Reid and Boehner plans, where it now breaks out the war and non-war interest savings...
Low GDP Growth and Stalemate in the Congress
With the Bureau of Economic Analysis releasing tepid GDP numbers of only 1.3 percent growth and last night's failure of the House of Representatives...