Lieberman and Collins Stand Up for Fiscal Responsibility
Yesterday the Senate voted on two highly polarized tax plans, with a Democratic version passing 51-48 while the Republican supported bill failing to...
The Concord Coalition Provides Fiscal Lessons From Europe
The Concord Coalition has just unveiled a new paper, authored by Edmund Andrews, Joe Minarik, and Diane Lim Rodgers, called " Not Just Their Problem...
Comparing the Unpaid-For Tax Cut Extensions
The Senate is set to vote in the coming days on dueling one-year extensions of the 2001/2003/2010 tax cuts and Alternative Minimum Tax patch, with...
Online Sales Tax Debate Heats Up
Last week, our "Spotlight on the States" blog post highlighted structural challenges for the states, one of them being an eroding sales tax base. The...
AARP Event Discusses Population Aging Across the Globe
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) hosted an event entitled "Work, Retirement Age, and Fiscal Sustainability in an Aging World." Two...
It's Not Free Money
Paul Krugman and other advocates of more federal stimulus spending cite today’s extremely low real interest rates, near zero or negative, as reason to...
Updated Estimates of the Affordable Care Act
Today, the Congressional Budget Office released two reports revising estimates for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The first report provides updated...
GAO: The Debt Limit Fight Cost the Treasury $1.3 Billion
With the debt ceiling projected to come back in play sometime in December or January, it is helpful to be reminded of the cost of the last debt...
The IMF Looks at International Fiscal Rules
A new working paper by four authors at the International Monetary Fund takes a look at fiscal rules around the world. The Peterson-Pew Commission on...
Support for the Campaign to Fix the Debt
With the roll out of the Campaign to Fix the Debt on Tuesday, there has been plenty of statements of support, as our newest release shows. Some of...
Bernanke Once Again Warns Congress on the Fiscal Cliff
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke addressed Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday and the House Finance Committee yesterday with more warnings about...