Sign the Fix the Debt Petition!
The Campaign to Fix the Debt has launched a new and comprehensive petition demanding that Congressional leaders and the president work together to...
Tax Exemption Fails to Make the Medal Stand
Not surprisingly, the policy world has been less than kind to a proposal to exempt Olympic winnings from taxation. After the proposal gained the...
Through Ten Months, the Deficit is $975 Billion
CBO's Monthly Budget Review for July lays out how the first ten months of this fiscal year compared to last year. The FY 2012 deficit so far totals...
Insights About Legislating from Rep. Chaka Fattah
Yesterday, Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) sent a letter to his House colleagues urging them to adopt Simpson-Bowles as a way to stave off the fiscal cliff.
The Facts of the Federal Budget
On Friday, join CRFB senior policy director Marc Goldwein as he discusses Wall Street Journal writer David Wessel's newest book Red Ink: Inside the...
Goldman Sachs On the Fiscal Cliff
In a new investor note, Alec Philips of Goldman Sachs produced a useful new chart comparing three different scenarios for extending all the fiscal...
How Long Will Low Interest Rates Last?
Are we really borrowing for free, and should we be taking advantage of it? Over the last few years, we’ve seen interest rates continue to fall to...
Bipartisan Compromise Is What's Needed
As Congress heads toward another partisan showdown over the fiscal cliff, it is important to remember that there are plans that have received...
Going for the (Tax-Exempt) Gold
Even as lawmakers call for broadening the tax base, it seems like they keep proposing to narrow it. In the latest edition, there appears to be...
USA Today: Manner, Not Size, of Defense Sequester is the Concern
Lawmakers, policy experts, and affected industries are righly concerned about the sequester that will hit both defense and non-defense spending across...
A Bipartisan Call To Debate the Debt
Today Campaign to Fix the Debt co-chairs Judd Gregg and Ed Rendell were joined by Purple Nation founders Michael Steele and Lanny Davis in a letter to...
Two Different Takes on Bending the Health Care Cost Curve
Today, The New England Journal of Medicine published an interesting contrast of health proposals from leading health policy experts representing the...