OMB Starting to Prepare for the Sequester
Over the past few days, the Office of Management and Budget is getting to work preparing for the sequester hitting on January 2 of next year. OMB so...
Tax Extenders Spread the Budget Thin
The Senate Finance Committee will hold a mark-up of the Family and Business Tax Cut Certainty Act tomorrow at 10 am. The Act would retroactively...
The Postal Service's Woes Continue
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is slated to default on a $5.5 billion dollar payment to the United States Treasury tonight at midnight...
A Deal on Appropriations is Here
After some speculation last week about a compromise being made on appropriations, a deal has tentatively agreed upon between House Speaker John...
Al Simpson Joins the Announcement Effect Club
The Announcement Effect Club has a new member after this weekend—Fiscal Commission Co-Chair Alan Simpson. Simpson discussed the dangers of the fiscal...
Reviewing the Review: How Does It Compare to the President's Budget?
OMB's Mid-Session Review, which was released on Friday, showed lower debt and deficits over ten years than did the President's budget. Our paper on...
Council on Foreign Relations Primes Readers on the Fiscal Cliff
The Council on Foreign Relations has joined in on those warning of the dangers of the fiscal cliff due to hit early January and unsustainable rising...
A Deal on Appropriations Is Near
According to POLITICO's Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan, lawmakers are nearing a deal that would fund the government for the first six months of FY...
Re-visiting the President's Budget: OMB's Mid-Session Review
The OMB has released its Mid-Session Review (MSR), essentially a re-estimate of the President's budget taking into new legislative, economic, and...
CRFB Reiterates Its Call to Debate the Debt
In light of the Commission on Presidential Debates announcing the debate format for this year's presidential cycle, CRFB once again called for a...