Op-Ed: "A Problem Too Big for Small Solutions"
The New York Times | August 29, 2012 The federal debt is the nation’s most pressing economic problem because our dangerously high debt levels are a...
Op-Ed: "We Need Growth, and Growth Requires Reform"
The New York Times | August 29, 2012 Getting our economy growing is our most pressing economic problem. But there can be no sustainable economic...
Wessel: With Health Care It's About How, Not How Much
We have talked before about the long run unsustainable growth of our health care spending. But when it comes to controlling Medicare and Medicaid...
New York Times: "Is the Deficit Urgent, or a Distraction?"
The New York Times' "Room for Debate" this week takes on our federal debt with a forum entitled " Is the Deficit Urgent, or a Distraction?" Writing in...
Recap: Day 2 of the Republican National Convention
Last night featured an all star cast of speakers, from Vice Presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to former Secretary...
Thursday Night's Convention Preview
Continuing our Updates From the Convention series, we head into the final night of the Republican National Convention. No doubt the speech to watch...
Convention Watch: Wednesday Night's Preview
Continuing our Updates from the Conventions series, we look forward to tonight's convention schedule, packed with some of the biggest names in the...
Fitch: Fiscal Cliff Threatens Triple-A Rating
Fitch Ratings Managing Director David Riley appeared yesterday on Bloomberg Television, suggesting that the fiscal cliff could threaten the U.S.'s AAA...
Recap: Chris Christie's Keynote Speech at the RNC
After some hurricane-related delays, the Republican National Convention began yesterday in Tampa. We have our Fix the Debt team on the ground (see...
Voices From the Convention Agree: Lawmakers Should Come Together and Fix the Debt
Our Fix the Debt team has been meeting all different kinds of concerned citizens in Tampa at the Republican National Convention. Many people we have...
Fiscal Responsibility Questions For The Election
Considering our nation's debt situation, it is more important that ever to ensure that those seeking office have a plan to take on the issue. It's why...
Governor Jeb Bush Supports Simpson-Bowles
Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL) declared his support for Simpson-Bowles in a recent interview with the Tampa Bay Times, in order to begin taking on...