Why the Health Care Slowdown Is Unlikely to Last
Last month, we looked at reasons why some projections showing a slowdown health care costs most likely will not pan out. Although the recent slowdown...
CBPP Takes a Look at the President's Chained CPI Proposal
Previously on The Bottom Line, we have shown how the chained CPI could be a 6 percent benefit cut or a 25 percent benefit increase, depending on how...
The Bipartisan Path Forward's Medicare Buy-in
In an effort to bridge differences in long-term structural reforms to federal health spending, former Fiscal Commission co-chairs Senator Al Simpson...
"A Bipartisan Path Forward" and the Long Term
Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson's new plan, " A Bipartisan Path Forward to Securing America's Future," saves $2.5 trillion to $2.85 trillion over the...
CBO Takes a Look at the CPI-E
Opponents of the chained CPI often propose an alternative index for cost-of-living adjustments, the experimental CPI for Americans 62 years of age and...
How Simpson and Bowles Plan to Bend the Health Care Cost Curve
In their new deficit reduction proposal, A Bipartisan Path Forward, former Fiscal Commission co-chairs former Senator Al Simpson (R-WY) and Erskine...
Comparing the Bipartisan Path to Other Budget Proposals
Earlier today, Fiscal Commission co-chairs Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson released a new comprehensive debt reduction plan with $2.5 trillion of...
Simpson and Bowles Release "A Bipartisan Path Forward"
Today, the former co-chairs of the Fiscal Commission, former Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) and Erksine Bowles, released " A Bipartisan Path Forward to...
Bipartisan Policy Center's $560 Billion Plan to Lower Health Care Costs
A new report by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s (BPC) Health Care Cost Containment Initiative was released today containing roughly $560 billion in...