1. … offset his spending agenda. To avoid adding trillions to budget deficits over the coming decade and put debt on a … of Biden's tax plan published by the Tax Policy Center ,  Penn Wharton Budget Model ,  Tax Foundation , and  American …
  2. … enrollment among wealthier families. For that reason, the  Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) has estimated  that while a means-tested …
  3. … of Biden's tax plan published by the  Tax Policy Center ,  Penn Wharton Budget Model ,  Tax Foundation , and  American Enterprise …
  4. … to apply only to gains above inflation. Analysis using the Penn Wharton Budget Model has concluded this change would cost about $100 …
  5. … $138 billion estimated by the Administration. For example, Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) recently estimated the IDR program will …
  6. … the coming months, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget will publish a detailed analysis describing numerous … 23 percent after accounting for various interactions. Penn Wharton Budget Model recently estimated that an 11.25 percent …
  7. … to be insolvent in the next 14 years. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects the Highway Trust Fund will run … income. Estimates from the Congressional Budget Office , Penn Wharton Budget Model , and Committee for a Responsible …
  8. … others modeled by Moody's, Tax Policy Center (TPC), and Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM). In fact, new analyses of the Senate bill …
  9. … from capital gains tax breaks. In 2013, the  Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated  that nearly two-thirds of the … $110 billion of revenue over a decade. Meanwhile, the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWMB) finds  taxing capital gains at …
  10. … calculations. TPC and Tax Foundation scores use different budget windows. Numbers may not sum due to rounding. … Target (Dynamic) -$450 N/A Source: Tax Policy Center, Penn Wharton Budget Model, Congressional Budget Office, CRFB …