MY VIEW: Maya MacGuineas April 11 2011
In her latest commentary for CNN Money, CRFB President Maya MacGuineas discusses her experience at a budget forum in Colorado this weekend and says...
Op-Ed: Debt Reduction--The Voters Are Ready. Is Washington?
CNN Money | April 11, 2011 They did it! They kept the government open! Tourists can still see the pandas. Hooray! The White House is trying to spin...
President and Leaders in Congress Agree on FY 2011 Spending Levels
Keeping us on the edge of our seats until the very end, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced late Friday night that a deal had been reached on...
President Obama to Present Deficit-Reduction Plan Wednesday
Yesterday, White House senior adviser David Plouffe appeared on several Sunday talk shows announcing that President Obama would be presenting his own...
‘Line’ Items: Back from the Brink Edition
Deal on FY 2011 Spending Reached – A government shutdown was averted on Friday by an 11th hour agreement on federal spending for the rest of the...
Government Shutdown Watch -- CRFB to Update Throughout the Day
Update 04-09-11 10:15 am: The shutdown has been averted. Details here. Update 6:51 pm: Conflicting reports on whether deal close on Planned Parenthood...
Market Watch: April 3-8
The federal budget this week has been on everyone’s mind and television set. With the federal government set to shut down tonight at midnight if no...
Op-Ed: We Avoided a Shutdown, But We Still Need a Goldilocks Budget That's Just Right
Washington Post | April 8, 2011 There’s nothing like watching Washington debate ideology on a deadline. In the end, the battle over the federal budget...
The Costs of a Shutdown
With a possible federal government shutdown looming in only a few short hours, it is worth noting some of the costs if such an action occurs. With a...
Health Care Changes in Paul Ryan's Plan
Considering its role as the biggest driver of long-term deficits and debt, health spending has to be addressed in any serious long-term budget plan...
Op-ed: No New Taxes: Never Say Never
CNN Money | April 5, 2011 I have been thinking a lot about the many lawmakers who have sworn to never -- never ever -- raise taxes. First, how on...
Republican Study Committee FY2012 Budget Released
UPDATED 4/8/11 to include a link to the budget framework released by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Today, the Republican Study Committee (RSC)...