Dave Walker and Bob Bixby: National Fiscal Dialogue Needed
Today, Comeback America Initiative founder and CEO Dave Walker (former U.S. comptroller general) and Concord Coalition executive director Bob Bixby...
Between the ‘Line’s: Limits, Meetings, Triggers, and Cloture
Bumping Up on the Debt Ceiling – On Monday, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner sent a letter to congressional leaders saying that his department this...
Biden Fiscal Working Group Holds First Meeting
The bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers hand-picked by congressional leaders had its first meeting today with Vice President Joe Biden to discuss...
CRFB Re-Estimates the Fiscal Commission's Plan
In the awesome world of budget baselines and budget options, we are graced a few times a year with updated budget projections from CBO. These updated...
Martin Feldstein: Raise Taxes, but Not Tax Rates
An op-ed in today's New York Times by Harvard economics professor Martin Feldstein says that while reducing our debt will require more revenue, that...
White House Takes on Excess Federal Property
First, there was the taxpayer receipt. Now there is a an excess federal property map. It seems the White House is doing a good job to get graphic with...
MY VIEW: Bill Frenzel and Charlie Stenholm
In an op-ed in The Hill today, CRFB co-chairs Bill Frenzel and Charlie Stenholm propose a fiscally responsible approach to raising the debt ceiling...
Senate Finance Committee Discusses Enforcement Mechanisms
Since President Obama put the idea of a debt trigger in the public's mind, it has become a hot topic. Third Way recently put out a piece detailing...
Concord Coalition Looks at Budget Process Reform Proposals
From the President's recent deficit-reduction framework to policy forums on Capitol Hill, budget process reform has recently become an increasingly...
Adm. Mike Mullen on Debt and Defense Spending
The Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, made some important statements recently regarding our national debt and defense...
‘Line’ Items: Two Weddings and a Burial Edition
Wedding Vows and Vows Kept – Last week the royal wedding in England between William and Kate garnered a great deal of attention on this side of the...