Live Webcast: The Moment of Truth
At 3:15 p.m. today, as part of the New America Foundation's 2011 Retreat, Slate Group Chairman Jacob Weisberg will moderate The Moment of Truth...
MY VIEW: Maya MacGuineas April 29 2011
Today's Washington Post features an op-ed by CRFB president Maya MacGuineas on ways to improve President Obama's debt failsafe proposal. She writes...
Op-Ed: How to Add Teeth to Obama's Plan for a Debt Failsafe
Washington Post | April 29, 2011 In his recent it’s-time-to-get-serious-on-the-budget speech, President Obama introduced his idea for a debt fail-safe...
The Onion Fills in Gaps in Obama Framework
Last week we issued an analysis of the fiscal framework that President Obama recently unveiled. We noted that, while it was a strong step in the right...
Senator Reid In Favor of 'Deficit Cap' in Debt Limit Increase
Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), proposed adding a "deficit cap" to forthcoming legislation to increase the debt ceiling. While...
Targeting Budget Process, Triggering Fiscal Progress
“Trigger” has become the term du jour in the budget world as of late, particularly as it relates to the debt limit, and it doesn’t refer to shooting...
Former CRFB Chairman Leon Panetta Selected to Be Next Secretary of Defense
UPDATE: Gordon Adams over on CG&G argues that Panetta is the right man for the job for three reasons: he knows budgets, he's a decisive administrator...
Stimulus Provisions: Extended or Not?
In early 2009, lawmakers enacted an economic stimulus package to help stem the economic freefall which was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs per...
What Happens If China Stops Buying Our Debt
Megan McArdle at The Atlantic writes about what happens if China stops buying U.S. Treasury bonds. She points out that a fiscal crisis is unlikely to...
MY VIEW: David Stockman
In Sunday's New York Times, CRFB board member David Stockman wrote an op-ed discussing the recent budget proposals from President Obama and House...
‘Line’ Items: Post Easter Edition
After the Bunny – Easter has come and gone. Chocolate-induced comas are being overcome and many -- though not Congress -- return this week from spring...