Raising Retirement Age Would Promote Working Longer
The 2008 recession substantially altered the enrollment and operations of many government programs, particularly those providing financial benefits...
The Cost of Delay: Employer Mandate Edition
Early this month, the Obama Administration announced that it would delay enforcement of the employer mandate penalty in the Affordable Care Act for...
WaPo to Obama: Don't Ignore Entitlements
Last week at Knox College, President Obama gave the first of a series of speeches on the economy. He called on Washington to pass policies that would...
CRFB President Participates in Center for American Progress Event: "Is It Time to Hit the Reset Button on the Fiscal Debate?"
Today, the Center for American Progress (CAP) hosted a panel discussion featuring Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Senior Fellow Jared Bernstein...
Line Items: Packing Up the Baggage Edition
Heading for the Exits – This is the final week before Congress begins its five-week August recess. Lawmakers have a lot baggage to pack up before they...
Weinstein: Simplification Should Be First Priority of Tax Reform
The tax reform debate is heating up and many groups are weighing in on what tax provisions should be kept and what the broad revenue and...
CBO Estimates the Economic Hit of the Sequester
Today, the Congressional Budget Office released a report detailing the projected economic effects of repealing the sequester starting August 1. The...
Broadening Base-Broadening: "Beyond Tax Expenditures"
Readers of The Bottom Line know that we talk frequently on the subject of tax expenditures, the deductions, credits, and other tax preferences which...
Fact or Fiction: Is Social Security Regressive?
Is Social Security a distributionally regressive system overall? Some people may have this conception due to a few features of the program: higher...
MY VIEW: Judd Gregg July 2013
In the midst of our slow economic recovery, both the public and our Congressional leaders alike can too easily narrow their field of vision to solely...
New Life for Generational Accounting
Senators John Thune (R-SD), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Chris Coons (D-DE) have introduced the Intergenerational Financial Obligations...
NYT Gets It Wrong on the Student Loan Deal
A recent New York Times editorial gets it wrong by opposing a bipartisan student loan deal that would lower interest rates for all new students today...