Although the numbers in the budget resolution draw a lot of attention, one of the most impactful parts of the resolution deals with budget process...
Two Budgets Enter, One Budget Will Leave
In order to resolve disagreement between defense hawks and fiscal hawks, the House will vote on two competing budgets with different approaches to...
Van Hollen Releases House Democratic FY 2016 Alternative
House Budget Committee Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) yesterday released the House Democratic alternative budget, which provides similar...
Assuming Costs Away Doesn’t Make SGR Deal Free
Now that we have shown that the "doc fix" proposal in the House will likely add to the debt in the longer term – refuting a key argument for not fully...
Senate Budget Joins the House on Irresponsible War Spending
There was a lot of discussion in the run-up to the release of the Senate budget about disputes within the Republican caucus over defense spending. The...
SGR Plan Will Likely Increase, Not Reduce, Long-Term Debt
Note: The analysis below is based on an earlier version of the SGR plan, which has since been adjusted to include modestly larger offsets and – more...
Chairman Enzi Debuts FY 2016 Senate Budget
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) has released his FY 2016 budget resolution, which prescribes $5.1 trillion of spending cuts to reach...
House Budget Sets Dangerous Precedent for War Spending
One of the most important functions of budget resolutions is to set the spending limits for the coming fiscal year. At first glance, the House budget...
Spending and Revenue in the FY 2016 House Budget
House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) released his FY 2016 budget yesterday, outlining a framework that would significantly reduce the debt...
An Overview of the FY16 House Republican Budget
This morning, House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price released his FY 2016 budget proposal, "A Balanced Budget for a Stronger America." The budget...