Health Care
Line Items: Extenders Debate Ends; Appropriations Season Begins
Extenders Put on Hold – Legislation to extend some tax breaks and expanded unemployment insurance has been put on the back burner because senators...
The Long and Winding Road: More Twists and Turns for the Extenders Bill
For weeks, Congress has been re-tooling and re-tooling the extenders bill (HR 4213), looking for 60 votes to pass. Two things have held constant...
Steny Hoyer on Everything Fiscal
In remarks at the think tank Third Way, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer covered the bases in talking about our deficits and debt. Among the topics...
Exploring Federal Pay for Cuts
As our Budget Simulator grows in popularity, more and more people have taken the spending challenge to voice how they would like to see government...
‘Line’ Items: Summer Arrives Edition
Summertime, but the Living Isn’t Easy in Congress – Today brings the first official day of summer, but Washington has already been experiencing...
“Extenders” Bill Lives Up to Its Name
Legislation to extend tax breaks that expired last year, as well as expanded social safety net provisions and relief for doctors from a steep cut in...
Update: So How Much Does This Bill Cost Now?
The Senate released yet another version of the tax extenders and social safety net bill (The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 - H.R...
“Doc Fix” Puts Congress in a Fix
The debate that won’t end drags on in the Senate as legislation to extend tax breaks, expanded unemployment insurance and the Medicare “doc fix” didn...
Senate Seeks to Terminate Extenders Debate
The Senate will seek an end to the extended debate over tax extenders legislation tomorrow with a cloture vote on HR 4213 even though it is not clear...
‘Line’ Items: World Cup Edition
“Beautiful Game”and Not-So-Pretty Agenda – Add soccer to all the other distractions in Washington as lawmakers face a packed agenda. With the World...
Oil in the Gulf Isn’t the Only Threat That Needs to Be Capped
Lawmakers have railed against the inability to stop the leaking of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, yet they are having no better success in staunching...
‘Line’ Items: Pitching, Polls, and the New Charity of Choice
Making the Pitch – With much of Washington eagerly anticipating the debut of Stephen Strasburg on the mound tomorrow, the return of Congress this week...