Health Care
Reps. Cooper and Ryan Call For Medicare Transparency
Yesterday, Reps. Jim Cooper (D-TN) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) introduced H.R. 1252, the “Medicare Information Act” (MedInfo Act). The legislation aims to...
Health Care Reform Has Its First Birthday
One year ago on Wednesday, the health care reform legislation (or PPACA, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) was passed by Congress...
America's Fiscal Choices At a Crossroad
CRFB's policy paper America's Fiscal Choices at a Crossroad looks at the human side of the fiscal crisis. It examines the two choices we face in...
PAYGO Annual Report Shows Glaring Exemptions
OMB recently released an annual report on PAYGO, showing the budgetary impacts of PAYGO legislation, current policy exemptions, and exemptions for...
Christina Romer Gives Recommendations for State of the Union
Dr. Christina Romer is calling for President Obama to use his January 25th State of the Union address as a means to outline a credible plan to lower...
‘Line’ Items: Dreams and Schemes Edition
Can Dreams of Cooperation be Fulfilled? – Yesterday the nation celebrated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His vision of unity and...
CNN Money Exclusive: Why GOP Agenda Could Make Debt Worse
In her latest commentary on CNN Money, CRFB President Maya MacGuineas says that despite the rhetoric on reducing the deficit, some of the high-profile...
On Health Reform Repeal
There has been an increasing amount of talk this week concerning calls for repeal of the health care reform legislation, as the 112th Congress...
2010 Financial Report of the U.S. Government
The Treasury Department released Tuesday its annual Financial Report of the U.S Government. The report highlights the nation's budget deficit, net...
Line Items: Botched Snap Edition
Washington Drops the Ball – To many federal budget watchers, the tax cut debate has been more frustrating than watching the Redskins play. The...
The Fiscal Commission's Plan
The co-chairs of the President's fiscal commission today released the deficit reduction plan that members will be asked to vote on Friday. Alan...