Budgets & Projections
Third Way Calls for $1.9 Trillion of Deficit Reduction
Today, Third Way has released their analysis of the February CBO Economic and Budget Update, reaching a similar conclusion to our report on the new...
The New Target: At Least $2.4 Trillion of Additional Deficit Reduction
President Obama was recently quoted in the Washington Post as saying that an additional $1.5 trillion of deficit reduction would hit the $4 trillion...
The CRFB Realistic Projections
Analyses of the CBO budget baseline generally focus on the current law baseline, the one that CBO presents in most detail. In the past, we constructed...
The Fiscal Speed Bumps Ahead: After the Debt Ceiling
Last month, we highlighted the “fiscal speed bumps” resulting from the fiscal cliff deal. With the signing of the bill which temporarily waived the...
What's Changed Since August?
In CBO’s latest Budget and Economic Outlook, much has changed since their August baseline. As we explain in our report on the February baseline, the...
The Economic Benefits of Deficit Reduction
On the same day they released their February Baseline projection, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a companion report on Macroeconomic...
The Economic Outlook in CBO's New Budget Baseline
CBO's new budget baseline released yesterday relies on its own economic projections over the next decade. After comparing their economic projections...
CRFB Releases Analysis of CBO's February Baseline
CBO's release of its annual Budget and Economic Outlook is a treasure trove of information, sometimes not easily digestible. To help put all that...
It's Showtime: CBO's New Budget and Economic Projections
For 49ers and Ravens fans, the Super Bowl was the big game of the 2012 NFL season. For budget wonks, today is that day, as CBO has released its budget...
Op-Ed: No Budget, No Pay - No Deal, No Break
Politico | February 5, 2013 Believe it or not, Democrats and Republicans sometimes come together and do something positive in Washington, and that has...