Coburn, Baby, Burn
The Hill reports that Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) has promised to block all future spending bills that are not fully “paid for.” He currently is leading...
The Power of Saying 'No'
In today's New York Times, David Leonhardt argues that deep down, Americans tend to view more health care as better care, but that in our quest for...
The Doc Fix Is A Leaky Roof?
CRFB received a comment on The Bottom Line the other day, responding to our use of a leaky roof analogy for how health care reform failed to address...
Weekend Editorial Roundup
Here are the highlights from this weekend’s editorials on fiscal and budget policy: The Wall Street Journal questioned whether the economic recovery...
‘Line’ Items: Opening Day Edition
If they Don’t Win It’s the Same – Opening Day presaged much of the same for Washington as the home team was clobbered. The White House hopes that the...
CRFB Launches A Featured Charts Page!
CRFB would like to introduce our " Featured Charts" page where we will highlight important fiscal, economic, health care, and entitlement projection...
Revenues and Outlays under the President's Budget
CRFB has talked a lot about deficit and debt projections over the coming decade, and beyond. CBO's analysis of the President's FY 2011 budget shows us...
Fed Ends Purchases of GSE Mortgage-Backed Securities
Yesterday, the Federal Reserve ended its purchases of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) from the government-sponsored enterprises (GSE), including...
Interest Rates and the Fiscal Outlook
A great debate is breaking out over concerns for our growing debt, and it is centered around interest rates on Treasury securities. A fear held by...
The Onion Takes the Deficit Challenge
The Onion has decided to take the deficit challenge. Their idea might just be the most original one yet: Eliminate the U.S. Senate. "Established in...