CBO/JCT Reports Roundup
A number of very interesting and relevant government reports came out the week of April 12, 2009.
Market Watch Update: April 12-16
U.S. Treasury markets were relatively quiet most of this week, although some Friday morning news had translated into market gains, as of early...
"Public Square" Adds to the Fiscal Conversation has put together a blog carnival on fiscal policy called "Public Square." It brings together numerous experts on fiscal policy to...
CEA Finds ARRA Continues to Spur Growth and Jobs
The President's Council of Economic Advisers released their third quarterly report yesterday on the economic impacts of the American Recovery and...
The Need for Fundamental Tax Reform
In our “Countdown to tax day” we have so far covered the pros and cons of a VAT, the limitations of only taxing income over $250,000, extending...
Ben Bernanke and the Fiscal Outlook
In testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke once again affirmed his membership in our Announcement Effect...
Between the ‘Lines’: A Midweek Update
Up-Hill Battle for the Budget – Democratic leaders in Congress are floating the possibility that there will be no budget resolution this year, citing...
Considering a Value Added Tax
With huge structural deficits looming in the future, many observers feel that the current tax code will not be able to raise enough revenue to balance...
Public Pension Systems: Avoiding the Hard Choices?
At the Bottom Line we often complain about government officials avoiding hard fiscal choices because of the political difficulty involved. At the...
Can Only Taxing Income Over $250,000 Pay Off Our Debt?
President Obama has pledged not to raise taxes on individuals who earn under $200,000 a year or on couples earning under $250,000. It seems highly...
Donald Marron to be new TPC Director
Today, the Tax Policy Center, a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institute, announced that Donald Marron will become the new...