What's Up Doc Fix?
The Senate late Thursday passed another short-term “doc fix” that spares physicians from a 23 percent Medicare payment reduction through the...
On Ireland
Ireland, under attack by financial markets for its economic, financial and fiscal problems, may be getting assistance from the international community...
Ryan-Rivlin Health Care Plan Unveiled
Many of the recent debt reduction plans—including, the fiscal commission's Co-Chairs' recent proposal, the Galston-MacGuineas plan, and the Debt...
Another Blue-Ribbon Group Weighs In
The drumbeat for action to reduce our long-term debt continues. Today the Debt Reduction Task Force of the Bipartisan Policy Center issued its...
Jan's Plan
For about a week now, we've been telling critics of the Co-Chairs' Plan to throw ideas, not stones. So, good for Jan Schakowsky. Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL...
Bill Frenzel on Bowles-Simpson
CRFB co-chair Bill Frenzel says "three cheers for Bowles and Simpson" as he and fellow Brookings experts talk about reducing the federal budget...
Earmarks Are Just a Start
Earmarks have long been a favorite bogeyman here in D.C. – as examples of wasteful government spending and back-door deal making. The recent election...
Experts Get Specific for New York Times
Yesterday, in the pages of the New York Times, CRFB President Maya MacGuineas joined 15 other experts in proposing how one might begin to cut the...
Gene Steuerle in the Ripon Forum
CRFB board member Gene Steuerle has a piece in the Ripon Forum on the need for deficit reduction and budget process reform. He mentions the new...
Lively Debate Ahead on Estate Tax
Most of the attention in the debate to extend the 2001/2003 tax cuts has centered around the income tax, but a closer inspection of the provisions...
CNN Money Exclusive: Stop Whining About Bowles-Simpson. Let's Make it Better.
In her latest commentary on CNN Money, CRFB President Maya MacGuineas challenges critics of the Bowles-Simpson deficit reduction plan and offers ideas...