A Closer Look at Food Stamps
In addition to the infographic CBO released yesterday, it also released a detailed new report on the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance pood stamp...
CBO's Economic Analysis of the President's Budget
Although CBO's analysis of the budgetary effects of the President's budget was released last month, today they released a very useful report on the...
How Would Governor Romney Pay For His Tax Cuts?
Among the many policies Governor Romney has proposed in his run for President are substantial reductions in tax rates for individuals, including a 20...
CBO Rolls Out Four New Budget Infographics
More often than not, pictures can demonstrate a problem or issue better than the raw data can. CBO has taken that to heart and recently released four...
Maya MacGuineas: Place Priority on Fiscal Responsibility
In an op-ed in The Roanoke Times, CRFB president Maya MacGuineas calls for policymakers and citizens to put fiscal responsibility at the forefront of...
Next Stop on the National Debt Tour: Roanoke, Virginia
Today, the National Debt Tour -- a nationwide discussion with policymakers, fiscal experts and business leaders pushing for a major deficit reduction...
No Tax Cuts Without Offsets
The House is set to move forward on legislation that would enact a tax cut for small businesses. The Small Business Tax Cut Act (HR 9) allows small...
Sen. Toomey Offers A Budget Resolution
One day after Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) released a budget resolution based on the Fiscal Commission plan, another Budget...
Line Items: Tax Edition
Tax Reform Cometh…Eventually – Today is Tax Day, when federal tax returns are due. Procrastinators have DC Emancipation Day, a holiday in the District...
Models for Tax Reform
Continuing on our Tax Week theme, this blog will focus on the various models there are for tax reform. Obviously, there are an almost unlimited number...