Budgetary and Tax Impact of the 'Buffett Rule'
With the "Buffett Rule" set to get a vote in the Senate next week, we felt it was a good time to take a more in-depth look at the proposed policy --...
Donald Marron Looks at the Current Size of Tax Expenditures
Tax Policy Center president Donald Marron has a brief in Tax Notes that shows that spending on tax expenditures are higher than the commonly reported...
Line Items: Easter Egg Edition
What the Bunny Left Behind – We’ve given up on giving things up for Lent, Passover will be passing, and the Easter Bunny has hopped into the pastel...
MY VIEW: Eugene Steuerle April 2012
In the latest post in his ongoing "The Government We Deserve" series, CRFB board member Eugene Steuerle stated that regardless of how the Supreme...
The Affordable Care Act and the HI Trust Fund
Update: Charles Blahous has posted a response to his critics here . Charles Blahous, a Social Security and Medicare Trustee, has released a new report...
At Halftime, The Score is 829 to 777
CBO's latest Monthly Budget Review for March gives us a look at how the federal budget looks compared to last year halfway through the fiscal year...
IMF Warns of Fiscal Gimmickry
The IMF has a new report out called " Accounting Devices and Fiscal Illusions," a handy guide to different types of fiscal trickery that have been...
White House Mixes Up Some Numbers on Simpson-Bowles
As readers of The Bottom Line and our releases will know, CRFB strives to compare as many plans as possible on a similar basis so that policymakers...
How Much Did You Pay for National Defense?
Following up on a project they did last year, the White House has released its 2011 Federal Taxpayer Receipt. This tool allows you to put in how much...
Making Better Use of Health Care Dollars
Via Wonkblog, Sarah Kliff reports on an initiative by nine medical specialty groups to identify procedures that they find to be either unnecessary or...
CFR's Richard Haass: Domestic Issues, Including Debt, Key to National Security
Richard Haass, the President of the Council on Foreign Relations, argues that the biggest threat to U.S. national security might not be a continent...
USA Today: 38 Members of Congress Find Courage to Do the Right Thing
The USA Today has joined us in the praise of the 38 Congressmen that had the courage to support the Cooper-LaTourette budget last week. With an...