Op-Ed: Fixing the Federal Debt Demands a Comprehensive Approach
Arizona Capitol Times | June 10, 2013 Our federal budget is on a destructive and dangerous path. It is vital for our leaders to find a solution to our...
TPC Finds Little Price Shock for Reforming the Mortgage Interest Deduction
Tax expenditures in theory promote specific policy goals by subsidizing that behavior through tax benefits. However, in comprehensive tax reform...
A Bipartisan Plan to SAVE
Recently, a bipartisan duo in the House -- Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL) and Rep. David Joyce (R-OH) -- introduced the SAVE Act, a bill to reduce federal...
CBO's Alternatives for Student Loans
After the deadlock last Thursday in the Senate over student loan interest rates, there still appears to be a gap between Democrats and Republicans on...
NYT Gets It Wrong on Social Security (Again)
This weekend, The New York Times (NYT) editorial board laid out an argument for why they believe Social Security’s long-term gap is relatively...
S&P Revises Current Outlook
Standard and Poor's Ratings Services confirmed today its AA+ long-term sovereign credit rating on US debt, where it has been since the August 2011...
Washington Post Makes the Case for Fiscal Space
When the financial crisis began at the end of 2007, it soon became clear that the government would need to run higher deficits in response. Tax...
Line Items: Poolside Edition
Dive In – The pools have opened to provide relief from the summer heat and an opportunity to work on those tans. Congress is back in session this week...
A Bipartisan Bill to Reduce Overlapping Payments in UI and DI
Bipartisanship will be a crucial element when it comes to reforming Social Security and achieving other budget related reforms in the near future. In...
Reset the Fiscal Debate, But Towards a Comprehensive Fiscal Plan
In a new paper, the Center for American Progress's Michael Linden makes the case for resetting the fiscal debate. His main point is that given...
A Closer Look at the Medicare Actuary's Alternative Medicare Projections
Earlier this week, we discussed the new Medicare Trustees projections which project that the Hospital Insurance (HI, or Part A) trust fund will be...
Event Recap: Challenges Facing Social Security
Update: The video has now been posted. Today, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the Mercatus Center, and Third Way held an event...