Line Items: Gettysburg Address Edition
Historic Moment – On this day 150 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address dedicating the new national cemetery at the...
Tax Extenders: PAYGO or No Go
The year is rapidly coming to a close, with only 11 days left that the House plans to be in session. Before the year's end, Congress is supposed to...
My View: Judd Gregg November 2013
Though the government shutdown ended a little over a month ago, its effects still linger on. In an editorial published today in The Hill, former...
CBO Director Examines Drivers of Health Care Spending Growth
As the conferees met yesterday, any doubt that we can afford to wait on the long-term debt problem should have quickly been erased after CBO Director...
CBO Takes a Look at the Distribution of Taxes and Transfers
On Monday, we took a look at the breakdown of federal spending and taxes by the type of household, particularly between elderly and non-elderly...
Tax Break-Downs Updated
Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released its budget options paper, a biannual report that provides over 100 suggestions of specific things...
The King Plan: A Window Into a "Go Medium" Deal
In addition to CBO director Doug Elmendorf's testimony, yesterday's budget conference committee meeting produced another notable moment: a proposal...
CBO Director Lays Out Budget Challenges for Conference Committee
At the second meeting of the budget conference committee earlier today, CBO director Doug Elmendorf was on hand to present the budget and economic...
CBO Releases Updated Budget Options Report
We may have had to wait a little longer due to the government shutdown, but CBO's new budget options report is finally here. Today, CBO released its...
Kent Conrad and Judd Gregg: With Order Restored, Let’s Act
The budget conference committee is holding its second hearing this morning as the conferees continue to try and work out a compromise between the...
Op-Ed: With Order Restored, Let’s Act
The Hill | November 11, 2013 For the past three years, Congress has been stuck in a partisan stalemate that has threatened fiscal confidence and...
Replacing the Sequester With...More Sequester? No Deal
As the budget conference committee works to develop a plan to offset some of the sequester, they may be tempted to use budget gimmicks in place of...