Bundled Payments Get a Boost
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) continues to push forward important delivery system reforms, last week announcing a new...
Good News But Also Warning Signs in the Medicaid Actuaries' Report
The Chief Actuary for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released the 2014 Medicaid Actuarial Report forecasting Medicaid...
House Transportation Plan Uses Elements that CRFB Highlighted
Here at CRFB we spend a lot of time reviewing responsible options to offset the cost of new bills and have provided many to lawmakers. So when current...
Newest President's Budget Estimate Shows Stable Debt
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) today released the FY 2016 Mid-Session Review (MSR), which updates the President's budget for new data and...
Ways & Means Starts the Conversation on Reforming SSDI
The House Ways & Means Committee held a hearing last week to investigate possible changes to the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program...
Senate Holds Hearing on Understanding America's Long-Term Fiscal Picture
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Keith Hall testified Thursday before the Senate Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee in a...
SSDI Solutions Initiative Publishes Issue Brief on Determination & Appeals Process
The McCrery-Pomeroy SSDI Solutions Initiative has published a second brief in its issue brief series on the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI...
Appropriations Watch: FY 2016
Here is a link to the Appropriations Watch for FY 2020. Last updated 12/9/15. Lawmakers passed a continuing resolution funding the government through...
Dynamic Infrastructure Estimate Gives Lawmakers Food for Thought
Three weeks from the deadline to deal with highway funding, a new report commissioned by the McGraw Hill Financial Global Institute gives Congress...
Greece is Rather Unique
The Greek saga took another turn last week as the second bailout from the Eurozone countries approved in 2012 expired on June 30, leading to Greece...
Peter G. Peterson: America can't afford Greek complacency
Peter G. Peterson is the founder of the Pete G. Peterson Foundation and is a member of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. He wrote a...
Finance Committee Provides Its Framework for International Tax Reform
The Senate Finance Committee has been working all year in five bipartisan working groups on tax reform, and today they have reports to show for it. Of...