Health Care
Policymakers Must Work to Reduce Drug Prices
For Immediate Release Efforts to advance a drug pricing bill similar to one the Senate Finance Committee passed last summer by a vote of 19-9 appear...
House Considers ACA Expansion and Drug Pricing Bill
Today, the House will consider legislation to expand the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) and lower prescription drug prices. The Patient Protection...
Robert Reischauer and Charles Blahous: Letter from Former Trustees of Social Security and Medicare
Robert Reischauer is a former public Trustee of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds, president emeritus of the Urban Institute, and a member...
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Will Cost $192 Billion
Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scored the Families First Coronavirus Response Act ( FFCRA), the second of three packages enacted so...
Choices for Financing Medicare for All
Proposals to adopt a single-payer health care system – commonly called Medicare for All – have become increasingly popular. Such proposals, which...
Policymakers Should Act Quickly and Responsibly to Boost the Economy
For Immediate Release The threat of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has spooked markets and appears likely to significantly weaken the economy on...
Lawmakers Release Emergency Funding Request on Coronavirus
Appropriators released today their $8.3 billion emergency funding bill to deal with the Coronavirus outbreak, $5.8 billion more than the $2.5 billion...
How Will Candidate Plans Affect Total Health Costs?
We recently updated our estimates of the budgetary impacts of health care reform plans put forward by 2020 presidential candidates Joe Biden, Bernie...
New Infographics on 2020 Candidates' Health Plans
We have updated these infographics – originally published on February 7 – to reflect a new set of proposals released on February 24 by Senator Sanders...
Primary Care: Estimating Democratic Candidates’ Health Plans
Senator Bernie Sanders released a new set of proposals to offset the cost of his health care plan this week. Based on these new proposals, we have...
The President's Budget Saves Medicare $600 Billion While Reducing Out-of-Pocket Costs
Last year, numerous politicians and outlets repeated the false and misleading claim that the President’s FY 2020 budget cut Medicare benefits by $845...
Budget Deal Shows Bipartisan Failure of Leadership
For Immediate Release Later today, President Trump is expected to sign into law a $1.4 trillion spending package, appropriated through two bipartisan...