Fiscal Plans
Upcoming Congressional Fiscal Policy Deadlines
Updated 1/9/2024: The President signed a continuing resolution on December 21, 2024, that runs through March 14, 2025. Lawmakers will need to pass...
Maya MacGuineas: Here’s A Blueprint For Tackling America’s Crippling National Debt
Maya MacGuineas is president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and head of the Campaign to Fix the Debt. She recently wrote an opinion...
Reconciliation Unlikely to Produce $600 Billion in Dynamic Revenue
Policymakers are claiming their $3.5 trillion reconciliation package will be fully paid for by counting on $600 billion of dynamic feedback on top of...
Amy Klobuchar’s Plan to “Govern with Fiscal Responsibility”
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) put forward a Plan for the Future of Work and a Changing Economy in December. The plan...
A Mini-Bargain to Improve the Budget: An Update
Note: This paper is an update from our August 2017 piece “ A Mini-Bargain to Improve the Budget .” It adds a new section on how to pay for disaster...
What's Needed to Balance the Budget and Meet Other Fiscal Goals
With debt projected to rise from 77 percent of GDP today to 89 percent by the end of the decade, our latest estimates find that fixing the debt is...
Interactive Tool: Reforming the Candidates' Fiscal Plans
Our recent in-depth analysis Promises and Price Tags found that the national debt would continue to rise under a Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump...
Senator Dan Coats Introduces Bill To Establish Fiscal Commission
Senator Dan Coats (R-IN) introduced the ‘‘Mandatory Bureaucratic Realignment and Consolidation Commission Act of 2016’’ (or the ‘‘Mandatory BRACC Act’...
Five Years Since Simpson-Bowles: How Much of It Have We Enacted?
Today marks the fifth anniversary of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform's (Fiscal Commission's) vote on the Simpson-Bowles...
IMF: Fiscal Reform Boosts Economic Growth
The IMF has released new research showing that fiscal reforms enhance economic growth. These findings are broadly consistent with other analysis of...
Four Takeaways from the Solutions Initiative Plans
The Peterson Foundation's Solutions Initiative III produced five different fiscal plans that would improve the current long-term budget outlook. We...
Op-Ed: Paving the Way for Sustainable Highway Financing
RealClearPolicy | May 21, 2015 Congress faces yet another deadline, and yet again is set to stall. This time, there literally could be a bumpy road...