Budgets & Projections
Debate Roundup: Fiscal FactChecking the Fourth GOP Debate
This blog is part of the “ Fiscal FactCheck” series designated to examine the accuracy of budget-related statements made during the 2016 presidential...
Does John Kasich Have a Plan to Balance the Budget in Ten Years?
During the November 10 Republican debate, Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) touted his plan which he said would balance the budget by the end of his second term...
Budget Deal Takes 20 Years to Offset Its Cost
The recently-enacted budget deal does not offset its ten-year cost like advocates have claimed, but what about the longer-term impact? The deal...
Five Gimmicks Only Budget Wonks Get
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, signed into law earlier this week, is fully offset over the next ten years, according to the scoring conventions of...
A New War Spending Gimmick In The Budget Deal
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 is now the law of the land. While the law does not necessarily prevent a government shutdown, it does raise the...
Does the 2015 Budget Act Spend Now and Save Later?
Governor John Kasich claimed in the October 28 Republican Debate that the budget deal, formally known as the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, is “the...
The Tricks and Treats in the Budget Deal
With the Senate passing the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 in the wee hours of the morning the bill now heads to the President's desk for signature...
Fiscal FactCheck: Third Republican Debate
This blog is part of the “ Fiscal FactCheck” series designated to examine the accuracy of budget-related statements made during the 2016 presidential...
Social Security Changes in the Budget Deal
The recently-introduced Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 tackles a laundry list of items that lawmakers needed to address over this Congress, including...
Does the Budget Deal Allow Obama To Borrow Unlimited Amounts?
In the Republican debate, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said the recent budget deal “allows President Obama to borrow unlimited amounts of money.” Paul is...
Budget Deal Truly Offsets Only Half Its Cost
Lawmakers are currently considering a budget deal that would increase appropriated spending, suspend the debt limit until March 2017, reallocate...