Budgets & Projections
The Ryan Budget in the Long Term
According to CBO’s report on the budget targets specified by Chairman Ryan and his staff (not a more traditional scoring of policies for whatever...
Ryan Reprise: House Budget Committee Chairman Releases New Budget
This morning, House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) presented the House Republican budget, one that is similar to last year's budget...
Fiscal Fact Checker: What Has Happened to CBO's Estimate of the Affordable Care Act?
CBO's most recent estimate of the insurance coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act has sparked a debate about how CBO's estimate of ACA has...
CBO and OMB In Tune on President's Budget
Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its analysis of President Obama's FY 2013 budget proposals. In a somewhat surprising analysis...
Health Spending Changes in CBO's March Baseline
In its March baseline, CBO made a number of changes in its projections for health care spending. Given the significance of health spending to the...
CBO's Got a Brand New Baseline
Although CBO's analysis of the President's budget is the newsmaker in March in the budget world, CBO also updates its current law baseline, which...
CBO’s Projections Show Need for Smart, “Go Big” Approach: Comparing Major Debt Reduction Plans
CRFB has published an updated version of this comparison chart on its blog, The Bottom Line.
CRFB Compares the Major Deficit Reduction Plans
Comparing fiscal plans can often be a difficult task. The plans may use different baselines, use different ten-year windows, have different estimates...
Jumping Through Hoops to Avoid the Sequester
Yesterday, in POLITICO David Rogers had an article about an effort in the House to temporarily delay the sequester scheduled to hit at year's end. As...