Budgets & Projections
The First Summit on Our Way to a Deal?
On Friday, President Obama spoke on the need to replace the "fiscal cliff" with a comprehensive plan to address the nation's unsustainable fiscal path...
CBO Quantifies the Fiscal Cliff and the Challenge Ahead
CBO has released two new reports that detail our short run problem of the fiscal cliff and the long term challenge of reducing the debt. Reading the...
Leaders of House and Senate Willing to Work Toward a Deal
Not long after Fitch sounded the alarm bells for the urgent need of a comprehensive debt deal, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), House Speaker...
Op-Ed: Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff: Nothing is Sacrosanct
Tulsa World | November 8, 2012 For almost a decade and a half, I was honored to serve the great people of northeastern Oklahoma in Congress. Today, a...
Op-Ed: Make a Deficit Deal Now
Washington Post | November 8, 2012 The American people spoke on Tuesday, and they voted for a continuation of divided government. With President Obama...
Fitch Reminds Us What Lawmakers Must Do
While last night election is still many people's mind, the rating agency Fitch reminds us of the tremendous stakes of these next couple of months. In...
Why We Need to "Go Big"
Richard Kogan at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities has released a new report that argues that it may be a better goal for an upcoming budget...
David Wessel Explains the Fiscal Cliff (On a Cliff)
David Wessel, economics editor for The Wall Street Journal, has produced a fiscal cliff primer video. Wessel covers everything from why the cliff...
Line Items: Frankenstorm Edition
Storm Brewing – The Northeastern U.S. is being impacted by the freak concurrence of several major storms that has caused major population centers like...
Could We Go Bungee Jumping Off the Fiscal Cliff?
It is a point of consensus among those following the budget that the fiscal cliff would likely be very damaging for the economy in the short term...
Medicaid Spending Growth At "Near-Record Low" for FY 2012
Though it seems we are far away from reaching a comprehensive debt deal, we can, at least for the moment, breathe a little sigh of relief. A recent...
Medicaid Physician Payments Add to Year-End Uncertainty
When we talk about policy uncertainty these days, most of the time we are referring to the fiscal cliff. However, several other policies remain in...