Mitch Daniels: ‘The Day the Dollar Died’ is coming. What’s the plan?
Mitch Daniels is the president emeritus of Purdue University, a former governor of Indiana, a former director of the Office of Management and Budget...
Government Shutdowns Q&A: Everything You Should Know
Discretionary funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 will expire on September 30, and Congress has so far enacted zero of the 12 full-year appropriations...
House to Vote on Emissions Rule Repeal
The House of Representatives is expected to vote this week on a joint resolution to disapprove a rule finalized by the Environmental Protection Agency...
Improper Payments Cost the Government Billions
Improper payments cost the federal government $236 billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, according to testimony from the Government Accountability Office...
Keep Government Open Without More Debt
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 will end on September 30, 2024, and zero of the 12 appropriations bills to fund the government have been signed into law. The...
Repealing the WEP/GPO Provision Leads to Larger Deficits and Earlier Insolvency
Members of Congress recently filed a discharge petition on a bill to repeal Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government...
Treasury: $1.9 Trillion Deficit in First 11 Months of Fiscal Year
The United States borrowed $1.9 trillion in the first eleven months of fiscal year 2024, including $380 billion in August, according to the latest...
IRS Cuts Would Cause $66 Billion of Revenue Loss
The continuing resolution recently introduced in the House of Representatives would extend the $20.2 billion in rescissions to the Internal Revenue...
CBO Estimates $1.9 Trillion Deficit for First 11 Months of Fiscal Year
In the first eleven months of fiscal year 2024, the United States borrowed $1.9 trillion, including $381 billion in August, according to the latest...
How Big is the Tax Gap?
The Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on September 12 on tax avoidance and how it relates to the upcoming debate on extending the expiring...
The 12-Month Rolling Deficit Totals $2.1 Trillion in August 2024
From September 2023 through August 2024, the federal budget deficit totaled $2.1 trillion based on estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO...
Donald Trump’s Proposal to Lower the Corporate Tax Rate to 15%
President Trump recently proposed lowering the corporate tax rate from 21 to 15 percent for corporations that make their products in America. Under...