Peter's Leaving
The choice of who will replace Peter Orszag at OMB is a critical one. We were thrilled when President Obama chose Orszag, Summers, and Geithner, to be...
UK Proposes Drastic New Federal Budget
Today, the British government released its latest proposed budget, one which will dramatically slash spending and significantly raise taxes. All...
What's An Emergency?
The statutory PAYGO law left a gaping hole for spending designated as an emergency. Since the designation has no formal definition, it can technically...
Fiscal Consolidations: How and When
Alberto Alesina of Harvard University has a new paper out that talks about how differences in the composition of debt reduction packages make a...
Weekend Editorial Roundup
Here are the highlights from this weekend’s editorials on fiscal and budget policy: The Denver Post argued against both a second stimulus and the...
‘Line’ Items: Summer Arrives Edition
Summertime, but the Living Isn’t Easy in Congress – Today brings the first official day of summer, but Washington has already been experiencing...
Yes, financial markets too are being affected by the World Cup. So far today, trading is quiet – even though today is one of the famous Triple...
OMB Keeps Chipping Away
We reported last week many times on efforts by the Obama Administration to save small chunks of change (see here, here, and here.) But they're not...
“Extenders” Bill Lives Up to Its Name
Legislation to extend tax breaks that expired last year, as well as expanded social safety net provisions and relief for doctors from a steep cut in...
France and Spain Begin to Tackle Deficit Woes
In the aftermath of the Greek financial crisis, leaders of European nations like France and Spain are taking steps to stabilize their economies and...
One Stimulus Bill Passes--But Not the One You're Thinking
With much of the nation's attention focused on President Obama's oil spill address and much of the fiscal policy universe focused on the extenders...
The Debt Buy-Down Act
Senator John McCain has introduced the Debt Buy-Down Act of 2010. A variation of this bill has been introduced in several previous Congresses (102nd...